How Toilet Paper Stacks Up Worldwide

  • 10 years ago
Market researchers at Euromonitor created a map showing the way different countries use modern toilet paper and other sanitary products. The results show product consumption is directly related to the age of the majority of the population.

Across history, people have used everything from scented cloth, lace, and saltwater sponges to straw, corncobs, and paper pages when they needed to do their business. Market researchers at Euromonitor created a map showing the way different countries use modern toilet paper and other sanitary products. The results show product consumption is directly related to the age of the majority of the population.

Wealthier, diverse countries that have lots of bathrooms like Canada, the United Sates, Brazil, and South Africa use the most toilet paper. Developing countries are rapidly buying more rolls, and the wet flushable wipes seem to be gaining popularity overall.

In addition, those countries like Mexico and many in Southeast Asia have younger populations so they’re using the most diapers and training pants worldwide. Still, some developed countries like Germany are seeing surprising baby booms too.

Japan and many countries in Western Europe have older populations so adult diapers and incontinence products are best sellers.

Muslim nations like Pakistan and Iran buy the most sanitary protection for menstrual cycles.

Countries like Australia and Chile seem to prefer kitchen towels, and the map lists Venezuela as a country that falls under the mysterious product category of “other.”
