Adding Viagra to Christmas Tree Water

  • 10 years ago
Some people are reportedly dissolving the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra into the water for their Christmas tree because they think the pill will make it stand up longer.

Some people are reportedly dissolving the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra into the water for their Christmas tree because they think the pill will make it stand up longer.

People try putting different kinds of additives into the Christmas tree water like aspirin, bleach, or soda in an effort to make it live longer and not drop dry needles all over the floor.

A single pill of Viagra costs up to 25 dollars.

According to a study done by the television show Myth Busters, adding Viagra to the Christmas tree water doesn’t actually help it stay alive longer.

The tree they tested held onto its needles longer, but it looked unhealthy.

Jeff Owen, a Christmas tree extension specialist at the North Carolina State University Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources who has tested different substances in the water under the tree said: “The additives I tested either made no difference in terms of needle retention, or made it worse. Any additive you put in water functions as a salt, (and) salts aggravate needle loss.”

If cared for properly, with the bottom of the tree kept in water after being cut down, they can stay healthy for two to three weeks.
