Vampyr Engel False Friends 1988 (My Own Song)

  • 11 years ago
This is the orginal recorded at a very crappy studio in London (Pulse Studio's, in Tooting, London yeah right should have been named Crook Studios) on 20th March 1988, The jackass engineer didn't know what an appeggiator on a synth was and had floopy disks sounds of synthesisers he advertised he had , no he wasn't being far ahead he just didn't have any more money as I bet the rest he snorted up in drugs up his fucking ass Yes recorded on an AKAI MT12 Track, with the only other instruments being an Ibanez MIDI guitar and a Simmons SDS9 We managed to get a good sound desipte his lack of equipmenmt and the having to do "finger appegiation" though ths asshole wasn't the only jerk off studio's I had to this