Vampyr Engel Individual Youth Individuell Jundgend (1986)(My Own Song)[1]

  • 11 years ago
I recorded this years ago around a neighbors house with no sequencers all done by hand on a four track. No I wanted to actually record this in a proper studio but there are none in the UK unless your prepared to pay £600 a day , Oh forgot thats what we were paying this asshole at the Joint( different studio and nothing to do with this recording) And it was still a piece of crap studio. This is a protest and rallying song for all wiedro's, goths, transvestites, crossdressers, riviet heads,Industrial people, and emo's. I am afriad my German on this is crap very sorry about that LOL. I had an old German dictionary which had Jundgend as youth but it actually means youth camp I was toldLOL