CGR Trailers - DUCKTALES: REMASTERED Himalayas Video

  • 11 years ago
DuckTales: Remastered trailer.
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Classic Game Room’s CGR Trailers presents a video featuring the Himalayas level in DUCKTALES: REMASTERED from Disney Interactive, WayForward Technologies and Capcom. Launchpad McQuack gives a little overview of what to expect and watch out for when you head up into the frigid altitudes of the Himalayas. This single player experience will revisit the old platformer and brings it back to modern video game consoles – the PlayStation 3 (PS3), Nintendo Wii U and Xbox 360. This is a downloadable title for the Wii U e-Shop, PlayStation Network (PSN) and Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA). DuckTale: Remastered is going to be available this summer. Enjoy!