Canadian Woman’s Polymer Money Melted

  • 11 years ago
A woman from London, Ontario reported that her polymer Canadian money melted under a desklamp

We expect our coins and bills to withstand hot and cold temperatures.

A woman from London, Ontario reported that her polymer Canadian money melted under a desklamp.

In this instance, the money’s owner put the cash on a table. Later she found they had become warped and shrunken by a small lamp’s heat.

She swears they were only there for a couple of hours.

The woman was able to exchange some of them at a local branch, but the rest she’ll need to mail to the Bank of Canada.

The woman was informed it would take between 6 and 8 months to receive the approximately 12 hundred dollars in replacement bills.

Canada switched from paper to plastic starting in late 2011, and has since fielded a number of complaints about its lack of heat resistance.

Still, they stand behind the money saying they put it through rigorous testing before issuing it to the public.

It’s said the money was boiled, frozen, and put through the wash. In addition it was shaken and tumbled with bolts, marbles, and ground coffee.