Archived > 2016 December > 29 Morning > 55

Videos archived from 29 December 2016 Morning

Money Talks: US blocks guided-missiles sale to Saudi Arabia
Showcase: 'Negative Ecstacy' Exhibition in Istanbul
Jim Kovpak from Moscow speaks to TRT World on Aleppo ceasefire
Journalist who insulted Algerian president dies on hunger strike
The Trump Presidency: Trump says US is not bound by 'One China' policy
Nigeria Church Collapse: 60 killed in Nigeria church collapse
The Trump Presidency: Exxon Mobil CEO is expected to be nominated as Secretary of State
The Trump Presidency: Trump picks Exxon CEO as Secretary of State
Interview with Andres Abadia on cancellation of 100-bolivar notes in Venezuela
Aleppo Under Fire: Rebels to leave through corridor towards Idlib
Besiktas play first game since Saturday attacks
New UN Chief: Antonio Guterres to be sworn in on Monday
The Trump Presidency: Trump picks Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
TRT World Interviews Dr Omar Imady from the Syrian Studies Centre, St Andrews, on the Aleppo crisis
Antonio Guterres sworn in as UN Secretary-General
My Story: Baibars Mishaal, White Helmets Volunteer
Regime Retakes Aleppo: US Ambassador to UN criticises Syria and its allies for atrocities in Aleppo
Showcase: Nobel Prize Ceremony 2016 in Stockholm
Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt talks about the tipping point in the battle for Aleppo
Istanbul Attack: Young officer, son of Kurdish parents buried
The War In Syria: EU foreign ministers discuss Syria at meeting
Money Talks: Fukushima’s cost to Japan
Ahmed al Burai talks to TRT World on the situation in Aleppo
NASA Satellites: 8 microsatellites to track cyclones and storms
Iraq's Minorities: The Shabak
Showcase: Critics' Choice Awards
The Newsmakers: Fidel Castro's legacy
The War In Syria: Syrian state TV confirms Daesh retakes Palmyra
Cairo Church Blast: Deadly attack near Cairo Coptic cathedral
Ceasefire deal agreed for Eastern Aleppo
Money Talks: UniCredit’s troubles
Money Talks: Lagarde on trial
Showcase: Felix Ziem, Wanderer on the Sea of Light
The War In Syria: Turkish FM condemns attacks against civilians
Somalia Blast: Suicide car bomb targets country's biggest port
Interview with the Head of Turkish Red Crescent about a new camp in Idlib, Syria
Indonesia Blasphemy Trial: Jakarta's Christian governor appears in court
Turkish President Erdogan addressed the media
The War In Syria: SOHR says battle for Aleppo is effectively over
Aleppo Under Fire: Aleppo evacuation halted after shellinng resumes
Money Talks: Iceland tourism growth
Ahmed al Burai talks to TRT World on the Friday terror attaks in Istanbul
Istanbul Attack: Turkish football rivals are united in grief
Ahmed al Burai talks to TRT World on TAK claims responsibility of Istanbul attacks
The Newsmakers: Iraq's Shia militias
EU Freedom Award: Women abducted by Daesh receive Sakharov Prize
Argentina Slum Opera: Buenos Aires brings high culture to streets
Money Talks: Egypt’s textile recovery
Istanbul Attack: Worldwide tributes after Saturday's explosions
Turkey's Constitutional Reforms: AKP plans referendum on executive presidency
Showcase: Silent Movie Classics
The Newsmakers: Turkey's presidential system
Showcase: Handwritten Harry Potter Book to be Auctioned at Sotheby's
Money Talks: Google’s plans for Cuba
Insight: Review - Part II
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Regime forces take full control of Aleppo
Istanbul terror attacks kill at least 38 people
Regime reportedly executing civilians in Aleppo
Gaza Electricity: Blackout as electricity shortages continue
Macedonia Election: Both main parties are declaring victory
New Zealand Prime Minister: Finance minister Bill English elected new PM
Money Talks: Jose Cuervo delays IPO
Sunny Leone Mashup - DJ Devil Dubai - Full HD Video Song 2016-)
Besiktas Stadium Blast Latest: Lance Santos reports
Ahmed al Burai talks to TRT World about the Istanbul attacks
Nigeria's Shia Muslims: One year since 347 Shias killed in Zaria city
Orient Research Centre's Samir Altaqi talks to TRT World about the fight for Aleppo
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Rebels say ceasefire deal has been breached
Lagarde On Trial: IMF head to stand trial over 2007 scandal
Wall in outskirts of Munich, Germany: Professor Eckart Stratenschulte talks to TRT WORLD
Money Talks: Teknopark Istanbul key to Turkey’s innovation push
Ahmed al Burai talks to TRT World about the wave of detentions after the Istanbul attacks
Cameroon Protests: English-speaking minority demands equal rights
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Turkey to build a tent city in Idlib province
Istanbul Attack: Turkey mourns Saturday's explosions
Money Talks: Qatar’s labour law changes
Money Talks: Venezuela to pull its biggest bank note
Money Talks: Anti-government demonstrations turn violent in Brazil
Showcase: Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra
Insight: State of Emergency in Ethiopia - Part I
Money Talks: UN urges global steps against corruption
Money Talks: Turkey’s economy shrinks first time since 2009
Norwegian Refugee Council's Hannah Cooper talks to TRT World about Yemen's humanitarian crisis
Il surprend sa femme avec son amant grâce à son drone-mcXjoWaLaEU
The Evacuation Of Aleppo:Second round of evacuations completed
Money Talks: YouTube’s $40M settlement
Insight: Digital careers
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Evacuation of civilians has resumed again
AK Party MP Yasin Aktay talks about Macka blast
Showcase: 'Rogue One' Premieres in Hollywood
The War In Syria: Regime forces recapture major Aleppo district
Blast hits near football stadium in Istanbul
Insight: Muslim businesswomen
Presscon ni Pangulong Duterte sa kanyang pag-inspeksyon sa isang hinihinalang shabu laboratory
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Evacuation of civilians has been delayed
Showcase: Arno Fischer and Interview with Andreas Rost
The War In Syria: SOHR says battle for Aleppo has ended
Beyond The Game: New Russian doping revelations
Showcase: Vivaldi's Four Season and Interview with Stefano Mazzoleni and Nicola Granillo