Archived > 2016 December > 29 Morning > 54

Videos archived from 29 December 2016 Morning

Money Talks: New China app encouraging the elderly to dance
Money Talks: Nigeria hopes to revive economy
Dylann Roof Verdict: 22-year old found guilty in US church massacre
Girl Grills Mufti Naeem In Live Debate...
Istanbul Attack: Besiktas play first game since Saturday attacks
Money Talks: France supports Greece in debt dispute
Aleppo Under Fire: One killed, several injured in attack on convoy
Boy George of The New Celebrity Apprentice with Arnold Schwarzenegger
Kerry contra asentamientos israelíes, Tel Aviv denuncia sesgo
Aleppo Under Fire: UN rights chief says attacks 'probably a war crime'
Chapecoense Game: Brazilian club to play first game since crash
Japan-Russia Dispute: Moscow could agree to hand over smaller islands
What makes ‘dumb’ barrel bombs such deadly weapons?
Aleppo Under Fire: Pro-regime forces open fire on evacuee convoy
Refugee Crisis: Oxfam says responsibility must be shared equally
The White Ambulance - Cars & Trucks Cartoons - Vehicle & Car Planet for children
Money Talks: China’s favourite photo app goes public
Solidarity protests take place across the world for Aleppo
Evacuation of Aleppo: Interview with Syrian activist Rami Zien
Stranded civilians await to be evacuated
5 questions for George Sabra, member of Syrian opposition
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Rebels leave through corridor towards Idlib
Han Entzinger on Niger receiving aid for refugee co-operation
Insight: Radicalisation - 2
Refugee Crisis: Some asylum seekers rely on donations
Picture This: Massacre in Aleppo
Protests against atrocities in Aleppo continue
Russian Ambassador Killed: Andrey Karlov killed in Ankara shooting
The Newsmakers: Hero or tyrant?
Aleppo: Then and now
FSB detains suspected militants in Moscow
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Evacuation of civilians resumed overnight
Interview with Galip Dalay on Russian envoy's death
TRT World Managing Editor Resul Serdar Atas on Russian envoy's death
Refugee Crisis: Germany to send back some Afghani people
US thinktank says China installed weapons systems in South China Sea
Who helps the regime in Syria?
Aleppo Under Fire: Aleppo evacuation halted after shelling resumes
Money Talks: Renzi’s referendum defeat
South Sudan Crisis: UN wants force deployed to avoid genocide
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Kerry says Aleppo is 'nothing short of a massacre'
Venezuela On The Edge: Government pulled 100 bolivar bill out of circulation
Money Talks: Trump invites top tech leaders to New York
Aleppo Under Fire: Aleppo rally takes place in capital Ankara
People have caused this
Aleppo Under Fire: Solidarity protests take place across the world
Interview with Seijiro Takeshita of University of Shizuoka on Putin In Japan
Turkey-Russia Relations: Ankara and Moscow seek to improve their ties
US Interest Rates: US central bank raises benchmark interest rate
Maged Mandour talks to TRT World on the attack on a Coptic church in Cairo
Money Talks: New York may gain the most from Brexit
Istanbul Attack: Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu speaks on Istanbul blasts
US-Iran Sanctions: Iran orders nuclear-powered boats for navy
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: 500 people evacuated overnight from east Aleppo
Farewell from Aleppo
Japan-Russia Dispute: Leaders hope to resolve Kuril islands issue
Money Talks: Golden Globe voters to return Tom Ford perfume
Ice Bucket Challenge: Man who inspired the craze honoured in the US
South Sudanese Civil War: UN warns of Rwanda-like genocide
Why are Rohingya Muslims persecuted?
Aleppo Under Fire: First evacuees reach rebel territory
Putin To Visit Japan: Talks on territorial disputes to top agenda
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: More than 3000 civilians left besieged enclave
The Fight For Mosul: Iraqi forces push deeper into the city
Women get their own pink bus in this Turkish city
Nigeria's Shia Muslims
The Fight For Mosul: Counting the cost of Daesh rule in the city
4 million toys confiscated by Venezuelan government
Money Talks: Daesh destroying Iraq’s economy
Showcase: International Young Poets Meeting in Istanbul
The Newsmakers: Indonesia blasphemy case and Italy's next chapter
Insight: Fake News - Part I
EU Summit: European leaders are meeting in Brussels
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Deal agreed for rebels and civilians to leave
Rouhani orders nuclear development in navy
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Regime reportedly takes 800 civilians hostage
A UNESCO world heritage site: Aleppo
Aleppo Under Fire: Evacuation of rebels and civilians due to start
Showcase: Black Fashion Designers
The Evacuation Of Aleppo: Rebels reject Russian claim evacuation is over
The Trump Presidency: Trump picks Exxon CEO as Secretary of State
Turkey's Failed Coup: Greek court grants asylum to accused officers
Refugee Crisis: Court verdict due in human smugglers trial
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Interview with Lina Shamy, activist from Aleppo
The Newsmakers: Off Script
Cambodia wants to show women that athleticism is beautiful too
Twin blasts outside Istanbul football stadium
The Trump Presidency: Trump to meet with tech giants in New York
Dora is stepping up their game with their door to door shisha service
Money Talks: Russia praises Trump’s cabinet consideration
The Newsmakers OffScript: The Fall of Aleppo
The War In Syria: SOHR says rebels have suffered a 'total collapse'
Money Talks: Singapore’s foreign investment growth
Istanbul Attack: Football fans protest against terror attack
Sharif Nashashibi speaks to TRT World on Aleppo
Regime Retakes Aleppo: Syrian regime accused of violating ceasefire
The War In Yemen: More than 3M people internally displaced
Evacuation buses enter east Aleppo under new evacuation deal
Interview with Ammar Kahf on the latest in Aleppo