Archived > 2015 August > 15 Evening > 37

Videos archived from 15 August 2015 Evening

Education Ministry: We'll stick to meritocracy
Muhyiddin: RM20 juta pada McKinsey berpatutan
Pemimpin komponen BN kesal Umno tiup sentimen perkauman
魏家祥出面挺廖否认变节 若细历寻求蝉联考虑弃选
Abdullah CD not Chin Peng would have led if CPM had formed the government
Court bars 'Allah' use in Christian publication
Umno votes: Khairy and Shahrizat reelected
'A higher calling': Minister asks residents to bear with MRT construction for greater good
Dr Vijay: Umno's stability is Malaysia's stability
Laporan audit: Polis hilang senjata api, gari
Minister: No one is spared, even PM's department audited
Pemilihan Pemuda Umno: Kesilapan kes terpencil, tak perlu ke ROS, kata KJ
Blackmouth Cur fights huge male Coyote
Police: 'Blatant lie' that we're not investigating MyWatch shooting
卫生部耗RM30万建FB页面 用词不当丢RM4万宣传品
发起"倒蔡运动"被开除 李华民感到自豪不上诉
Anwar: Racial tensions on the rise as Umno polls get closer
批特大召开时机不恰当 祥才非议纠缠个人问题
民联替代财案:部长不加薪 废除服役制
Coup de pied circulaire en boxe thaÏ
反对者不知严法为人民好 马哈迪支持恢复未审先扣
Home Minister's statements prompts call for RCI into police shootings
Bekas MB Kedah Azizan Razak meninggal dunia
Karpal to Zahid: It's still detention without trial "分不清审讯与司法审核" 卡巴星讥阿末扎希不懂法律
铁道路石灰厂涉违法 蔡添强敦促当局调查
Chow Kit kids take on fashion with community project
Crime act amendments likely to be passed tonight
Foreign workers to pay 'nominal sum' for ID cards
Protest calling for cheaper housing on World Habitat Day
行动党复选领导层不变 委十中委增两东马职务
铲东姑公园建118楼 行动党质疑违反文化遗产法
吉隆坡摄影展结合环保运动 州议员也摆档介绍生态旅游
Harley Benton VA-500 bluegrass series mandolin.
废ISA致使犯罪率增加 马哈迪称纳吉意料之外
Adamant activists 'force' deputy minister to accept memo
DAP: Gov't wants to tax the poor with GST
'It's our right': Malaysians explain why 'Allah' is for Muslims (BM/ENG)
PKR MP: Will MCA, Gerakan vote against crime act amendments?
Isu kalimah Allah: ISMA bukan rasis, kata Abdullah Zaik
Kalimah Allah: PAS nafi pemimpinnya bercanggah pendapat
Makanan lebih tarikh luput ditemui di stor TLDM
Opposition explains abseenteeism at Crime Act vote
Dr M: I want to see more resignations over AG's report
Headlines - 11:00PM - 15-08-15 - 92 News HD
Nurul Izzah: Plug leakages before even considering GST
全国191区部23万代表投票 巫统臂膀改选成绩料晚上出炉
Roof collapse in T'ganu: 'Where's the accountability?'
Two thumbs up from Dr M for harsher laws
Umno polls begin: 230,000 delegates cast votes nationwide
DAP polls: Chin Tong tops chart, Zahril only Malay rep
Green group days away from getting 1million signatures against Lynas
Home Minister backs IGP: Missing guns could be in sea
MP calls for govt to come clean on nuclear power plans
Nurul Izzah, Santiago heading to Japan for TPPA symposium
Prevention of Crime Act - the new ISA?
向人权委员会提出诉求 村民要求查客家村风波
行动党中委重选维持上届阵容 镇东再里尔跃进倪氏兄弟殿后
辞职员工热舞短片控诉 上司"以彼之道"反击
A dooms day in historic All Saint's church in Peshawar
Nurul Izzah: Pakatan prefers caucus over anti-TPPA demo during Obama visit
行动党重选出席率高 卡巴星冀退休前夺布城
1.4mil Bangladeshis looking for work in Malaysia
Herald to appeal Allah ruling, fears it will lead to blanket ban
Penan belum pindah tapi empangan Murum mula takung air
'Malaysia students not prepared to compete globally'
Dr M to Malays: Grow a spine, stop blaming others
Sanjeevan quizzed over 'police bullet' tweet
五百基层领袖出席"倒蔡大会" 姚长禄促蔡细历交代党产问题
Hujan tak halang 100 berdemo bantah TPPA
香港取经受启发 "超人"强势回归倡办网络电台
"Perkauman alat lama, Pas tak akan patah balik"
ROS bashed at 'high-turnout' DAP re-election
Court strikes out suit, DAP's re-elections on
Top 10- Scary Scenes from Horror Films
'Go to Hell': Heated exchange after anti-Lynas group passes memo to deputy minister
Malaysia, China can make strong contribution towards Asia agenda, says Najib
"行动党被逼吃死猫重选" 林冠英指责注册局欲灭党
Economist: Malaysians too poor for GST
Ku Li seeks 40 year delayed review on Sabah, Sarawak
PSM on Kg Hakka demolition: Police kicked and stepped on us
75年历史难挡捷运巨轮 乐安茶室休业
Former Kedah MB Azizan dies
MP: Najib should emulare S'pore PM, use national airline not private jet
Khairy dijangka menang selesa Ketua Pemuda Umno
Low on audit: Like companies, govt not perfect - but I'm on it (no guarantees)
Pakatan: Public funds wasted because PAC toothless
Deputy minister denies evading questions, accuses portals of dishonest reporting
Electoral fraud tribunal defends legitimacy after EC, Attorney-General backlash
Govt: Israel, Mongolia copied our 'Endless Possibilities' slogan
Khairy: No need for ROS to dispute Umno Youth results