Followers of the Way

There are 12 Laws of Mind we each operate all the time. They are principle as in they are always working, work for all, and never deviate. They pass Karl Popper's scientific method and explains everything.
The source of this information is in the Bible and if you read it subjectively it tells you about these laws that include LOA aka the Law of Attraction and the Law of Liberty that most teach others how to use - but there is more to it as you do it.
You ate the pill and now you have to face yourself and it's ok. You were meant to- you are being called to be part of an army of love.
They were called Followers of the Way - only one way - Yours.
As we do it individually - it happens to humanity. Imagination is not here to save the world - it's here to save you and by saving you - you save the world.
Be a Hero!
If you would like to support this channel and the message then come on by!! Click on the #free & peruse over 100 blogs, videos, & podcasts open to the public on the various teachings throughout time & space on the 12 Laws of Mind and the great teachers and stories that we have told ourselves about them.
In the end we all discover there is only One way - Yours.